A downloadable game

A simple cyberpunk engine that lives on the 'net.

## Traits ##

// Body: physical strength // 

// Skill: agility, dexterity //

//  Robustness: willpower, mental strength //

// Complexity: intelligence and capacity //

## Basics ##

Rolls are 2d6 roll-equal-or-under the appropriate Trait to succeed. Advantage and disadvantage are used as 3d6 and take highest (dis) or lowest (adv) two. Doubles are critical results, good or bad.

If an item of equipment is used to assist an action, add its value to the Trait. On a critical (double value)  failure, the equipment is damaged and cannot be used again until it is repaired.

## Combat ##

In combat, roll vs appropriate trait, damage is difference between the two dice values on a successful roll. Doubles are critical hits/misses and cause dramatic outcomes like a KO, item destroyed  or lost limb. Damage reduces the relevant Trait, at 0 the character is  incapacitated and at -ve starting value they death. If a Frame's Body or Skill is reduced to zero, it is damaged and any operator is shut out.

## Adventures ##

Each session / adventure is a one-off, but part of the criss-crossed story of the city. Generate a desperate job, new characters and play through. Old characters can come back as NPCs.

Once the job has been generated, decide on the details - what is the nature of the target, who are the owners? You know the complication, but how does that manifest and what does the location look like, where is it?

## Trauma Team Clock ##

The Trauma Team clock starts at zero. Any critical result increases the Trauma Team clock. If a roll fails and is under the value of the Trauma Team clock, then the scene goes to hell. The trauma team,  police,  musclebois, corpos or the army show up and you'd better get away. Things can go sideways real easy.

## Frames ##

Frames can be operated if you have a way to connect to them and you have Complexity equal or higher than the frame's. If an Artificial Mind is using multiple frames, the sum of the frames' Complexities must be equal to or lower than the AM's Complexity.  Some frames can be given simple orders "guard here", "follow me and protect", "fly there and self destruct",  for example, without needing constant communication and not taking up Complexity.

## Cyberware ##

A body can only cope with so much tech welded to it. Each piece of cyberware has a Complexity Rating. If the Complexity of all cyberware is greater than the character's Complexity, then make a 2d6 Burnout Save. If a double is rolled then the character acts in an uncontrolled, extreme manner appropriate to the situation. This mainly applies in stand-off or conflict situations where, for example, the character will go full-out and attack with little care for their safety.

## Netrunning ##

Netrunning works like a strange digitised version of the real world but you use Robustness instead of Strength and Complexity instead of Skill. If either of these are reduced to zero, the runner is kicked out of the 'net.  Some ICE will stop you from leaving, in which case additional damage taken applies to Bodyor Skill the 'net causes physical damage frying nerves and muscles with killer feedback. 

Published 6 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
AuthorVerdant Core

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